Slot: objtype
The type designator for a GUTS "thing"
URI: guts:objtype
Applicable Classes
Name | Description | Modifies Slot |
Measure | A type of data sample in the GUTS study | no |
GUTSThing | Any "thing" in the GUTS context | no |
Cohort | A cohort of the GUTS study | no |
CohortSession | A specific session of a specific cohort of the GUTS study | no |
ParticipantMeasure | A data sample of a specific type from a specific participant | no |
Participant | A participant in any cohort of the GUTS study | no |
- Range: String
Identifier and Mapping Information
Schema Source
- from schema:
LinkML Source
name: objtype
description: The type designator for a GUTS "thing"
rank: 1000
designates_type: true
alias: objtype
owner: GUTSThing
- GUTSThing
range: string